tala's blog

on reading very short books

Sometimes when I am in a reading slump, I tend to divert to short books to ease me back into reading. I am an avid reader for two reasons: I enjoy reading other people's works, and I indubitably believe the practice makes me a better writer.

I am not sure what is universally accepted as a "short book," but to me, it is one that ranges roughly from 30 to 150 pages. In other words, a book that is usually consumed within a single sitting. Those tend to be quick, yet often packed with interesting plots and insights. I also garner the sweet sense of accomplishment when I get to immediately log them into my Goodreads. Most of the times, I will end up retaining that lost enticement, that spark, to pick up another book.

(I am probably going on a tangent here, but I find short books absolutely fascinating - how a writer must be able to potently convey their message in a very succinct way.)

Anyway, if you are experiencing a reading slump, I urge you to check out some short books. My recent reads: