tala's blog

on writing about my mental health on Bear

I am aware I've been navigating heavy topics in recent blogposts - childhood trauma, depression, and mental health in general. On Bear, I have regularly shared light, easily digestible reads, like slices of life and productivity takes. But I have also shared the brutal reality of living with mental health struggles.

I created this blog during the peaks of a depressive episode, at a time I desperately sought a healthy outlet for my oppressive emotions and ricocheting thoughts. Actually, it was an attempt to abide by my psychologist's advice, who urged me to live for myself, do things I love. I promised myself to write about what matters to me, what I always wanted to share - life updates, opinions, introspections, and most importantly, my mental health journey.

I won't lie to you, though, that sometimes I feel nervous, even ashamed, when I am writing about my mental health. I can't help but wonder if a passing reader will perceive the post as unbalanced or me as a negative person. Sometimes I will follow up a post about depression with a lighthearted one in a preposterous attempt to "balance" things out.

What is there to be ashamed of? Why would someone perceive me as a negative person if I am merely sharing the state of my mental health? Is it societal conditioning - from friends who deemed my depression as strange and impassive parents who avoided emotion?

I think vulnerability is a strength, one possessed by the few who dare be open. And in a way, I think vulnerability is supposed to be uncomfortable. How else do we connect with one another? Isn't vulnerability a testament to our humanness? Maybe that's why I am compelled by honest reads on Bear, of people who remind us that life can be hard, too. It consoles me, makes me less alone.

Tell me - how are you battling your crippling depression? Your anxiety from talking to people? The personality disorder you were diagnosed with? Your loneliness, your fears of abandonment? How are you navigating the difficult times in your life?

When you're getting crushed by life, find a way to share. Many will read your stories and find comfort in knowing they are not alone. Many will recognize the courage it takes to be so open, so vulnerable, despite the fear and shame.