tala's blog

weekly notes (sept 2-8)

In a previous blogpost, I mentioned transitioning from monthly to weekly notes. This way, I will no longer feel constricted into cramming a month worth of notes into a single compacted post (especially as someone with a penchant to deeply introspect my days). Capturing weekly snippets will allow for deeper, more frequent and deliberate reflections.

Throughout this week, I worked on wrapping up some creative projects before the whirlwind that is my final year of university begins. Otherwise, I know these projects will find themselves on the back burner, with my rigorous coursework and looming capstone.

I start my last academic year on the 22nd. I can't believe that, in less than a year, I will officially graduate as a chemical engineer. (It has been a challenging five years. Engineering always had a way to humble me, to make me realize how much I still need to learn.) However, I'm not sure how to feel about my academics coming to an end. To me, university served as a buffer against the real world, offering me the comfort of another semester after each summer break. Now I will graduate and coercively venture into real adulthood - the world of responsibilities and professional careers.

I am still on vacation visiting my family. I am in the city where I grew up, a place of scattered memories and childhood scars - a bittersweet mix that achingly tugs at my heart. Reconnecting with childhood friends (some whom I haven't seen in over 7 years!) has been a welcomed solace, a consolation of some sorts.

I finally started reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I brought this book last month but was initially daunted by its unfamiliar genre. However, it's been a great read so far, and I am especially delighted by its feminist undertones.

The scorching hot weather has kept me indoors more than usual (Not good for my depression, I know). But I have been exploring new music - another passion of mine. I stumbled across Touch by Daft Punk. If love is the answer / You're home, hold on. There is a magical quality in the repeated lines, as if transporting me to another world.

If you have made it this far, thank you as always! I hope to see you here again next week.